Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Let me just say I am pretty stoked about this weeks weigh in! You have no clue how excited I am to be in ONEDERLAND!I already have my boots on that I bought myself previously as my reward for reaching this goal!

Start Weight: 217.4 pounds
Previous Weeks Weight:200.8
Current Weight: 197.6 [-3.2 pounds]
Goal Weight: 135.0 pounds

Starting Body Fat Percentage:45.9 %
Previous Weeks Body Fat Percentage: 44.1%
Current Body Fat Percentage: 43.1% [-3.0%]
Goal Body Fat Percentage: 30%

Starting BMI: 37.3
Previous Weeks BMI: 34.5
Current BMI: 33.9 [-0.6]
Goal BMI: 23.2

Friday, November 6, 2009


Today while talking to my aunt, who I am very close with, I came to some realizations. It's not about the quantity of what I eat it is about the quality. Before I decided to make a change I would eat for quantity. I can specifically remember a time when we went out to IHOP as a family and I based my order off what plate would give me the most food. Looking back I realize that this is part of the reason why I got to where I am now. I now realize that eating 6-8 oreos in a sitting is not considered healthy at all. Some days I would end up eating my lunch AND part of someone else's lunch..... Was I crazy?

Our conversation today was about how when we eat healthier, we end up eating less and we feel more full. That's exactly how I feel. What I eat now isn't about quantity, it's about quality. When I get a *treat* now I savor it, I don't sit there and inhale it in under one minute. Throughout the past two months or so I have learned that it is all about what you are putting in your body, not how much.

My challenge for you this week is to slow down & enjoy your food without reading, rushing, watching television, etc. Make your meal time something that you can savor as your time to think and clear your mind while you enjoy your food!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Goals & Rewards (:

My Goals:
--to lose 5 pounds [this puts me at 211]
**goal met 9/11/09**

--to lose 5 pounds [this puts me at 206]
**goal met 9/29/09**

--to be under 200 pounds [this puts me at least at 199]
**goal met 11/10/09**

--to have a BMI of 33.5 [this puts me at 195 pounds]

--to have lost at least 25 pounds [this puts me at 190 pounds]

--to have lost 15 % of my body weight [this puts me at 183 pounds]

--to see a weight I haven't seen since junior year of high school [this puts me at 178 pounds]

--to lose 20 % of my body weight [this puts me at 173 pounds]

--to lose 50 pounds [this puts me at 166 pounds]

--to lose 25% of my body weight [this puts me at 162 pounds]

--to lose 5 pounds [which puts me at 157 pounds]

--to lose 30% of my body weight [this puts me at 152 pounds]

--to lose 5 pounds [this puts me at 147 pounds]

--too lose 5 pounds [this puts me at 142 pounds...so close to 135!]

--to lose 7 pounds [this puts me at my goal weight of 135 (: ]

Rewards :]

199 pounds: New Ugg Style Boots [I already bought them.. I CANNOT wait to wear them!]
**rewarded 11/10/09**

195 pounds: Movie Night with my Best Friends!

190 pounds: The "Magic Bullet" or some other cool blender like that (:

185 pounds: A night out with my Old Core Group!

180 pounds: Manicure/Pedicure

175 pounds: Game night at my house with all my friends!

170 pounds: Back Massage

165 pounds: Dinner out with my whole group of friends!

160 pounds: ?

155 pounds: Friday Night Ice Skating with my friends (:

150 pounds:A month of tanning!

145 pounds:?

140 pounds: Haircut & Color

135 pounds:Shopping Spree with my parents (:

Here's a picture of my beloved new Ugg style boots (: Only 1 pound until I can wear them!

Re-organization :]

So over the past few years I have accumulated so much stuff that I do not need or want. About a month or so ago I decided to go through EVERY SINGLE THING that I have and get rid of what I did not need, etc. My room is officially finished and organized and if I might say so myself it is beautiful! I already want to go in and get rid of some more crap though. It is now time to go and clean out under my sink. I am afraid of what scary monsters are going to be under there though! When I am done with all this I am going to be one happy girl & I won't have to miss fun things like get togethers because I am still putting stuff away! I want to be able to go out and pull the shenanigans I always do.
Like this for example ^^^^

This weekend is a weekend of rest so there could be some funny things happening (:


Here are my most current measurements. I try to do measurements monthly (:

October 23, 2009 Measurements:

Weight: 203.6
Body Fat:44.5 [-1.4%]
Chest: 45 inches
Waist: 40 inches [-0.5 inches]
Hips: 47 inches [-0.5 inches]
Right Upper Arm: 15 inches
Left Upper Arm: 14 inches
Right Thigh: 24 inches[ -1 inch]
Left Thigh: 25 inches

September 24, 2009 Measurements:

Weight: 208.0
Body Fat: 45.9 %

Chest: 45 inches
Waist: 40.5 inches
Hips: 47.5 inches
Right Upper Arm: 15 inches
Left Upper Arm: 14 inches
Right Thigh: 25 inches
Left Thigh: 25 inches

BodyBugg Info.....

One of my goals for November was to track my calories in & out every single day this month. So here goes it:

Monday 11/2/09:

Calories Burned: 2268
Calories Eaten: 1277
Calorie Deficit: -991

Tuesday 11/3/09:
Calories Burned: 3139
Calories Eaten: 1250
Calorie Deficit: -1889

Wednesday 11/4/09:
Calories Burned: 2660
Calories Eaten: 1474
Calorie Deficit: -1186

So in the past 3 days I have burned 4,066 calories (: I'm hoping to burn about 6000 Thursday-Monday (: I know I can do it (:

Weigh In 11/3/09

So I am definitely bummed out about this weeks weigh in. I didn't work out a lot this week which was due to the fact that I was swamped with stuff to do & a couple days I went over my calories but over the past 3 days I've tracked faithfully & checked my calories on my BodyBugg so I thought I was going to be under for sure. But then, TOM came into town :/ So that basically explains the gain :/

Start Weight: 217.4 pounds
Previous Weeks Weight:200.6
Current Weight: 200.8 [+0.2 pounds]
Goal Weight: 135.0 pounds

Starting Body Fat Percentage:45.9 %
Previous Weeks Body Fat Percentage: 44%
Current Body Fat Percentage:44.1% [+0.1%]
Goal Body Fat Percentage: 30%

Starting BMI: 37.3
Previous Weeks BMI: 34.4
Current BMI: 34.5 [+0.1]
Goal BMI: 23.2

Overall I am not super happy with the fact that I gained BUT next week I know that I will be posting a bigger loss (:

November 2009 Goals!

So I know that it's not quite November yet but I thought that the sooner I outline my goals that the more successful I will be (: I know when written it looks like A LOT of goals but they all basically correlate with each other... For example, my BMI & BF% can't go down unless I lose the weight. And i can't lose the weight unless I get to the gym. So really I'm not asking that much of myself :]

My Starting Weight: 200.6
My Goal Weight [for this month]: 190.6

November Goals:
-lose at least 2 pounds per week [10 pounds this month]
-make it to the gym 2 or 3 times per week
-do a workout video at least 1 time per week
-do strength training [ST] move at home 1-2 days a week
-stay within my calorie range for 25 of the 30 days this month
-burn at least 2500 calories per day [I LOVE my BodyBugg]
-get body fat % down to 42%
-get BMI down to 32.7
-drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

Miscellaneous Goals for November:
-call my freshmen girls at least once a week
-blog at least 3 times per week
-memorize one Bible verse per week

So here we are....

I cannot believe that it is already November! For the past few months I have neglected this blog unfortunately & today I went in to look at it & I realized that on 11/3/09 I was below the "goal" weight I had set for myself for that time! I was so excited. In September I signed up for SparkPeople [www.sparkpeople.com] and I have been blogging and using that site ever since! But today I decided that it would be good to blog on both so that is what I will be doing! Granted sometimes I will post the same post on both [weigh ins, goals, etc.] but I think it is important to put my goals out there with 2 different forums!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weight Loss Goals

So from here on out here is my weight loss schedule for 2009 & going into early 2010.
10/6/09: 209.4 pounds
11/3/09: 201.4 pounds
12/1/09: 193.4 pounds
12/29/09: 185.4 pounds
1/26/10: 177.4 pounds
2/23/10: 169.4 pounds
3/23/10: 161.4 pounds
4/20/10: 153.4 pounds
5/18/10: 145.4 pounds
6/15/10: 137.4 pounds
7/13/10:129.4 pounbds
8/10/10: Healthy Maintenance of around 130-135 pounds

I'm looking to lose about 8 pounds a month but I know that sometimes it might be lower or higher than that but that is just a goal & sometimes you have to have a goal that seems to be unattainable to push yourself hard enough!I am hoping to be a large or medium [maybe!] in shirt sizes. I am also hoping to be hopefully a 7 or 9 in jean sizes (:! I'm so excited to finally have a better plan in place to work towards my goals!